Horeca – Hotel Star Georgia, is a non-profit /non-commercial legal entity, established in 2018, created according to the Civil Code of Georgia and based on membership.
Organization gained observer member status of “Hotrec – Umbrella Association of Hotels, Restaurants, Cafes and similar Establishment in Europe” and “HotelStars Union” in 2018 and associated membership status in 2021, which presents us as official representative of both organizations in Georgia.
Associated membership status grants Horeca Hotel Star Georgia exclusive right to implement European standard and classification system in Georgia and classify accommodation establishments according to the harmonized classification components created by Hotel Star Union Europe.
May 31st, 2021 – Horeca Hotel Star Georgia gained Hotel Stars Union Associated membership status, which grants us exclusivity regarding...
July 15, 2022, Brussels, Belgium – As clear as the stars: Tripadvisor, the largest travel guidance platform in the world...
Since 2013 the Tempus Project LMPH N°544191 Tempus 1-2013-1-PT JPCR « Licence Masters professionnels en management des activités hôtelières pour...